Eliminate your water issues, get a bore hole drilled today.

There are many different benefits of having a borehole drilled on your property, such as: • Becoming Self Sufficient • Having a source of water constantly available • Can save on your monthly bills • And much more… At National Drilling we strive to have your borehole drilled in a timely and professional manner. With […]

Use the professionals at National Drilling for an exceptional customer service.

Providing a professional and reliable service to the Commercial, Mining, Industrial, Domestic and Agricultural sector. National Drilling take great pride and care in all of our work to ensure a timely and professional drill. Get a Bore Hole drilled today, feel free to get in contact with us for any more information. Cape Town: 021 […]

National Drilling strive to provide responsive and exceptional customer service

With our excellent skills, unsurpassed experience and top class machinery, we will ensure that the water supply requirements of our clients will be resolved competently and in a professional manner. National drilling aims to exceed all clients’ expectations. By having a Borehole, you will have access to your own personal unrestricted water supply. Borehole water […]

Are boreholes a good investment?

A well-maintained borehole is a cost-effective, self-sufficient asset. Although initial costs of drilling and equipping may be high, there are many long-term financial benefits to groundwater, particularly the fact that borehole water costs significantly less than municipal water. By having a borehole drilled on your property you actually increase your land value. Give us a […]

Get your Borehole drilled by the best, give us a call at National Drilling.

Boreholes have many benefits, such as increasing the value of the land it is drilled on, allows you to become self-sufficient and can even save you money in the long run. Give us a call on the number below for any more information. Cape Town: 021 845 4107 Cape Town Email: Admin@NationalDrilling.co.za

Become self-sufficient and get a borehole drilled today.

Contact us at National Drilling today to get your borehole drilled by the professionals. There are some benefits of using a borehole, such as: • Saving your money on your monthly water bill • Adding value to your property • and much more… Feel free to contact us for any questions you might have. Cape […]

Get your Borehole drilled by the professionals, use National Drilling.

With over 30 years of experience in the borehole drilling industry, we will have your borehole drilled in a professional and timely manner. Did you know that having a borehole drilled on your property not only increases your land value but also lets you become independent from the local municipality and can help save on […]